Thank you very much for that Trina,
I looked it up and it looks to be a US org. I am in Australia, but I sent them an email asking if they could possibly supply me with any information anyway. Can't hurt, right?
There's that HOPE thing again. I have almost have given up hope of seeing her again and have taken all photo's of her down as it makes me too sad to look at them.
I know I have done this to her myself and it is no-one's fault but my own and have to take responsibility for it, but I just don't know how to prove to her that I have changed if she won't have anything to do with and her father and his family discourage her from doing so.
Legally, I have full custody and could go to court, but that would only make things worse. I am told by everyone (friends, meeting moderars, therapists etc) that eventually she will come back. But I also know her well and she is as stubborn as me and is trying to hurt me as much as I hurt her.