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mental abuse....please give me any advice you can give me.:(
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Regular Member
Joined : Mar 2013
Posts : 40
Posted 3/12/2013 12:40 AM (GMT 0)
i have been in a relationship for 15 years on and off. the last lets say 2 years have been on and off. this guy has ocd, add, ....i loved him to death and wanted a future with him.
we had a couple times when we were on break and did things with other people. sorries were said and we continued to be together.
oneday out of the blue, he wouldnt let me come over anymore. he wouldnt leet me see his parents, he kept me away from his friends, wont add me to facebook, wont let me near his cell phone.
but yet he kept calling me telling me he loved me and wanted me forever and cant live with out me.
oneday i saw him and it was like a demon was in his body. it wasnt him at all.
he started telling me he has life problems and he has depression and then last week he was telling me u know we havent really been together for 2 years . then he told me he met a girl at a bar and he was ready to give me her full name . he was like she makes me laugh and i think im in love and i can see myself marrying her.
then 2mintues later he is calling her a ***** and he said he liked her not loved her .
then he blames everything he does on me. everything is my fault.
i came out and told him he was mentally abusing me and i am very sick from it.
he came to my house the other day cuz i changed my cell phone number and email address so he had no way of contacting me.
he was like to me i didnt mean anything i said to you .then 2 minutes later he was like i said i liked her. thats all.
4 years ago i had an abortion and he now to this day tells me i owe him a child.
he says one thing and forgets he told me and he seems to be lying about
everything he says.
my friends say if he really loved you and wanted a future with you he would have showed it instead of just texting it.
i feel so hurt inside. i did nothing to deserve this at all.
i get this is some sort of mental abuse.
there is more to the story but i dont have all day to type everything.
P.S back a few months ago i found out about
a girl he claims was his friend and once when i was in his car he called me her name by accident. then his cousin told me cuz i ran into her he was seeing her back in sept meanwhile tellin me he wasnt and he loves me and cant live without me./ then 2 weeks ago i ran into his brothers ex gf and she told me back in sept my ex cAME into her store flaunting and introduced this girl as his girlfriend . then i confronted him about
it cuz i was upset he was like i was just pretending to see why she broke up with my brother. which made no sense to me. then he i saw on
facebook there was a pic of her lips and he commented hubba hubba baby but yet still denies everything.
then the abuse thing i told you about
happened last friday . what happened was i showed up at his house he shut all the lights off brought me to his room where he was going to tie me up and try to have a kid with me then i pushed him off and he called me that melissas girl name again and said he confuses us cuz we are both mels and she frustrates him too and then he went to almost every window in his house like he was perniod someone was coming.. i left as i was pullin off driveway he ran to me and aqused me of takin his cell/ then he started to fake cry sayin he loves me and he wants me no one else then i said no i want nothing to do with u he was like can we be pen pals...and i drove away. then he text me monday saying he was comin wednesday and he called me wed at 2am i didnt answer. im not answering his calls or texts just ignoring him.
getting by
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Posted 3/12/2013 12:43 PM (GMT 0)
HI Melanie,
I think the best thing you can do for yourself is to move on. It sounds like he is unfaithful to you and you deserve better than that. Move forward and don't look back. This is clearly mental abuse and you don't deserve that.
I hope you can get throught this. Get over him and get a life for you to be happy.
Take care,
Hugs, Karen...
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Posted 3/12/2013 3:29 PM (GMT 0)
I think you know it time to stop the relationship.
It is toxic and not healthy. It may be hard for you, however knowing that there is abuse is knowing that you must walk away. 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
this link is for National Domestic Violence Hot line. Please use it is you have to. Check it out even if you don't need it. Keep the numbers available. Put the phone number in your cell.
Be safe, be strong, be smart.
PS Karen I add the link and number to the resources at the top of depression thread.
getting by
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Posted 3/12/2013 4:33 PM (GMT 0)
Thanks Trina...
California Cat
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Posted 3/13/2013 5:06 AM (GMT 0)
WOW! He sounds like a creepy, scary FREAK! Did I say that loudly enough? He attempted to tie you up to make you have a kid by him? Sure sounds like attempted rape. No one owes a kid to anyone. Kids are not possessions. People who love each other and want to raise happy kids, get married, then try.
I don't care what nice things he said at any point, or what he promises. I don't care if he makes your hormones sing and fills you with lust. You can't fix that kind of broken, and you shouldn't try. Can you say WHACKO?
You should surround yourself with people who are good for you. He is mean and a liar. Someone who flaunts another girl to his friends is probably getting sex outside your relationship. STDs can be deadly.
Don't answer the phone - screen all your calls. I had a crazy ex who called repeatedly all day for months. A pain. The one time he said something or another that made me answer, I just started the whole thing up again. Mistake.
Do you want this person to raise a kid with you? If he stresses you out, what would it be like for a child? That abuse hotline is a really good idea. When I went to an abuse support group we all had stayed in our relationships longer than we should have. We all tried really hard to let the good stuff win out. We all wished we'd gone sooner once we got free. The folks at the hotline have seen thousands of women try "to make it work" in crummy relationships. Cut your loses. Nothing will make it 'all worth it'. You have gotten experience now. That is the good you take away. Knowledge.
The power you get back over your life may help your determination to stay away.
The hotline may be able to recommend a counselor or support group. I needed to recalibrate my head so I wouldn't get into another bad relationship. The classes I took were real eye
openers. The other women gave me perspective. Please, STAY AWAY from that whacko.
California Cat
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Posted 3/26/2013 4:32 AM (GMT 0)
I hope you're doing alright? Clearly, I have strong opinions, but the most important thing is to look out for your own happiness. I hope all is well. Be safe and happy - my wish for you.
Oh Pooh
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Posted 3/26/2013 12:04 PM (GMT 0)
Run, fast and far !
getting by
Forum Moderator
Joined : Sep 2007
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Posted 3/26/2013 1:31 PM (GMT 0)
Hi Allenhr,
Welcome to the depression forum.
Hugs, Karen...
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/27/2013 2:27 AM (GMT 0)
He needs maybe a medical doctor if he constantly forgetting, might be early onset alzhemeirs, but seems weird that he's forgetting...However, I agree with the others here you need out of this relationship and to break all ties with him even if you have to move to do this...Your to special of a person to keep letting this happen, move on and just let things drop with him, You will find someone else, there is always another more worthy person for you out there, go find that someone else...
Many well wishes to you and you can find someone else more worthy for you as you do deserve better!
California Cat
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Posted 3/27/2013 4:29 PM (GMT 0)
Letting go can be tough, but you really should surround yourself with people who are good for you. I like to point out that half of any given city or town is the opposite sex, and maybe a fifth of that group is the right age bracket so that in a town as small as 10,000 there's 1000 possible dates. Divide that in half for the one's who are already taken and you STILL have more candidates than you can check out in a year, one a day!
So, if you eliminate folks who don't share your core values, who don't treat you well, who are afraid of hard work, who don't have the same end goal for the relationship, you STILL have a heap of choices.
Then, you can always check out the town next door!
Don't forget too, that a boyfriend is not a requirement. I't's ok to not date at all, maybe just for a while, maybe for a long time. That's a different topic.
New Member
Joined : Mar 2013
Posts : 17
Posted 3/31/2013 3:57 AM (GMT 0)
Forget about
that stupid guy
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