So hi everyone,
This is the first time I ever post something here.. But lately I have felt like this was necessary. Since the person I have alwyas relied on ( my best friend) has found a lovely new boyfriend. My story is really special, since my best friend is bisexual. We met over a year ago, and speak every single day with each other. He is a very nice guy and has ALWYAS been there for me, he NEVER let me down. I can truely rely on him.
I'm a very clingy// needy person, I NEED him. My mood depends on him. I am 100% (maybe 99%) that I am not in love with him. I do love him but not this way.
And well, I always knew he was looking for a serious relationship with a guy/girl. And I knew that eventually, it was going to happen.
The other thing is that we live in different countries; so it makes everything a little harder.
about a day or 2 ago, he told me he had met someone online, a nice guy , also looking for a serious relationship. They met, they liked eachother, and he is sooo exited about that guy. He always talks about him. Even if they are not together yet and it makes me feel lonely and very depressed.
I am not happy for him, I want the same to happen to me. I am selfish, I want him for myself, I want him to be only for me, and I know it's impossible. And it hurts. I'm being 100% honest with you guys. I may sound like a total idiot/mean girl. But it's the way I feel. And I'd truely rather be happy for him. I want to. I know that deep down I am happy for him. But I am also soooo depressed. My heart feels so "heavy" like a weight on my chest. It stings me everytime he mentions him;
I don't know what to do anymore. I'd really appreciate any answer to this.