Been lurking about for over 2 weeks , reading and watching. I have known this for a while, and now I want to share this thought with you, but I think you all really know about this already. Have you ever noticed that when there is a "bad news" topic or a "sad situation" topic or when there is a really "seriously bad topic", we all jump on them. We respond as fast and white on rice. We give good hearted and sensitive reply's, but the good news posts don't hardly get very many relpies. Is it the "morbid curiousity" we want to hear or is it just bad news that makes us feel helpful with good advice and comfort.
Another thing that I notice is that when advice is asked for, only the members that really know the answer or the place to go for the right answer respond. I guess this is one reason I have been "sitting in the shadows" because I am wondering if perhaps I am guilty of one of these topics. I am a "helper" or at least try to more than I ask for help or whine. When I do, it is for a good reason and If I get get the comfort I need here, I know I can't get it anywhere. I consider everyone, old and new members, to be my family, my comfort and my solice. There have been times when I need help and I feel like I am not getting my point across and very few reply. I do hope that I didn't offend anyone or respond in an improper way. Sad news is not a shortage in this world right now, but good news is few and far between. Life really is a struggle and so many people are hurting. Children are especially hurting and parents aren't there for comfort. It is sad. I get very emotional at times where my husband doesn't like me to watch the news if I cry or get dispondent. What is happening to our coutry. We are supposed to protect our children. Some parents aren't doing that. They are way more interested in their own personal social lives and split homes and I had the same issue too, but one thing that never came last was my daughters. They came first no matter what. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking of a dream I might have had and it scares me because of my grandchildren. I pray all the time for all children to have a shot of a good life and if they don't get good morals and the right way to go when they are young, they will grow up exactly in the atmosphere as they are living in. It's not fair to them. Whether we have kids or not, I think that we should so everything we can to help them have a shot at life to be prodoctive adults. Perhaps there are some people that don't care and feel they have enough problems of they're own, however, when you think about your problems in comparison with the children and the way they are raised with no direction, vision, encouragement, love, esteem and pride, they will never make it. I hope you read this and post your thoughts.