Hi NiceCupOfTea,
good to know that you've posted another post! I was just about
to go to bed.
You see, when you purposely try and not to think of it, the more it comes right back at you. Don't try and purposely not to think of it, just let your head loose, don't think too much about
trying. It's the same thing like trying to sleep, the more you try to sleep, the more alert
you are! Don't think of anything, just let it empty. Don't try, let it flow. You can do this NiceCupOfTea!!
I understand about
you and your family matters very very well
I have an elder brother and he's 10 years older then me. Sometimes we get along together if we live with each other for about
a couple of days and get use to it, but once we're apart and only visit for like a day, we would get groggy and just play with gadgets. It's normal for people who aren't really good at talking and I guess you and I are one of em. It's completely normal to feel the way that you do with your family because you're just simply not really close to them anymore and there's just nothing to talk to with them, I understand. If you want to bond with them more, try and visit them more often. Send messages and call them during your spare time. It would be awkward the first few times or days probably but you'll get use to it
Good luck NiceCupOfTea!!
Have a wonderful day!
Much love,