Hi, I am new to this forum and just thought it might help to share my story and maybe get some questions answered.
My adult daughter was diagnosed with clinical or major depression 20 years ago. I know she will always have it, certain things trigger it for her. She has been in the hospital a few times. Sometimes she can go a few years and do pretty well but as soon as she gets into any relationship, it goes downhill from there. She says she wants a husband and a family and I want that so much for her. She has not had much luck with any of her relationships and now she has trust issues with every guy and with the breakup usually comes the depression. She then swears off guys for a good while. She has so much going for her, very pretty, very smart, good heart and a great personality. When the depression comes back, her self esteem is very very low and she is very hard to get along with and pushes everyone close to her away. I know later she always regrets this, she does love her family and friends. I know that this is part of the depression and not who she really is but lately the episodes are getting more frequent. The way she deals with her depression is by starting over....new city or state, new college, new job, new friends. This time it will all be different..... but those of you dealing with depression know that the depression can come back anytime no matter where you live. She gets mad if I tell her this. She has been doing this for years. Starting over again and again has to be so lonely and my heart just aches for her. The moves are getting closer together, not as easy to find a new job with all the job hopping and the money situation is very bad.
As her mother I have went through a lot with her and have always tried to help her, but I don't always know how. The older I get the harder it is to take the abuse when she gets mad at me,she says I am too negative and she has said in the past she has no support system. Anything I say is wrong when she gets like this, we can't even talk on the phone this time because she will hang up on me. We have been emailing this time, this way I can proofread it for anything negative. It hurts when she says I don't support her. I have left my job(and my life) twice over the years to go and stay with her and help her, have gave her money to start over, and have worried about her till I am sick. She has came home a few times but it doesn't usually go well, she feels like she is a failure if she has to come back home and we fight a lot.
She is in another state now looking for another job and feeling very low. She is in therapy right now and I hope she is taking her medication,she hates taking anti-depressants, says she doesn't like how they make her feel. She hates her job and her life and everything. I love her with all my heart and worry about her constantly. I want to help her but I am tired, so very tired. I know I am not responsible for her depression, but she has no one. I want her to be happy. So I wait for her next plan or move and hope for the best. I feel guilty all the time, not sure why. I don't allow myself to be happy until she is. I can't seem to help that. The only thing I seem to be doing for her is helping her with money but I can't afford to keep doing this forever. Sometimes I get so mad at her for the decisions she makes.... but it is her life. I can't fix her, but I have to learn to deal with this better and take care of myself. I do keep telling her I love her but I haven't been giving any advice (she really hates that) lol
Ok, done feeling sorry for myself, this post wasn't supposed to be this long. I had questions for you all but now I don't know what they were. I will ask them later. Thanks for listening, it helped to write it down. Any advice would be appreciated. How do I help her without breaking me?