Hello Jeoch ......
Dealing with the feeling of being alone is most important .... however you may do it! A counselor, therapist or psychologist is a good start - but please don't expect it to be an investment of two or three trips.
I once went to a psychologist for over a year. It helped me greatly - at first weekly, then ultimately monthly. I was greatly encouraged to get out with people with some examples given of how that could be done.
I felt balanced for many years after that .... but did go again to a couples counselor 7 or 8 years ago with limited success ... altogether about 5 or 6 sessions.
And then just recently, I started with another psychologist ... this time with one who deals with terminal diseases - for that purpose. So, three different therapists for three completely different reasons. There were obvious stopping points for each of them - except maybe the latest one.
The last therapist highly suggested getting involved with support groups. HW helps tremendously ... but sometimes more is needed - especially if you live alone as I have for over 20-years.
I am starting my second month of three different support groups ... and it does fill a void that none of my family choses to fill. You see, I have a small family of a mother and two daughters .... and none of them are the least bit supportive, so it really can get lonely.
HW, the cancer support groups, my oncology nurse practitioner and my dog and best friend, Gizmo .... are my total support system.
I know how much support is needed. So is an occasional hug! A lot of good suggestions have been given to you from others here. I'm just coming from a little different place in life .... but with many of the same suggestions.
I also recently started on a Lexapro generic ... so not all of my depression has been fought with just the work of a therapist.
Wishing you the very best.
Rob and Gizzy