Keep Moving Forward said...
Howdy Holty,
Once I did the math and converted UK£ to CDN$, I realize that's a fair chunk of salary to lose. Then to have to move in with your mum after years of independence - ewwww. Even if you like your mum, it's still like 'ewww'.
I'm glad you still here to write about your misadventures. Sometimes doing what you did grants a gift of perspective. It's reputed that people who survived their jumps off the Golden Gate Bridge universally said their last thoughts were "aw crap, things really aren't that bad", or something to that affect. I used my similar experience to regroup and recover. The key for me was getting a goal and sticking with it. Now, 30 years later, I'm fat and old and relatively happy. And I have the best cat EVAR!
So much of the next 6 months is going to be weird for you. You've gone through the BIGGEST EVENT IN YOUR LIFE, but no one else is really going to 'get' that. People will *****-foot around you, and be really nice, but at the end of the day it's gonna be you alone with your thoughts. If you're going to come back from this, you're going to have to do the hard work. You're going to have to find a way to move forward and reinvent the things about yourself that brought you to this precipice.
So now that you've found a crappy job to occupy your time, what are you going to do about getting better? What's your next step?
First time in a long while I smiled "best cat ever" I've to cats.
No idea what my next step is yet everything is just soooo negative at the minute, Ive started my meds which hopefully help me out.