Hello ......
You just referred to this as a temporary fix! But it isn't!
Your doing what she wants you to do and when she wants you to do it!
I really think you should be seeing a talk therapist.
Short story: Many years ago, when my marriage was in serious trouble, I suggested that we see a counselor. I pointed to a counselor in the Yellow Pages, and my wife said - NO - that's a man!~!!!
So then I gave her the Yellow Pages and asked her to pick a counselor. Her reply was simply "your the one who needs a counselor - you go"! There was no way she was going to go. "Only crazy people go" was her point!
We did get divorced many years later - and with two children to make things much worse. Ultimately, I went to a talk psychologist - but it was just after my Father died and my x-wife started to play games with our kids.
MY fault ........ i waited to long to seek help.
Don't wait ------- please!
Rob & Gizmo