The older of my two daughters has ADD w/depression. It's strange to see someone so intelligent be so disorganized. She would do absolutely anything to help someone (at least away from home). She is now 20 years old and we never have figured out how to help her keep from losing things. She'll start out every school year with a good planner, a backpack with lots of pockets, and well-organized notebooks. Within a week or two they're all turned upside down. It's literally hard to
open the door to her dorm room because of the things piled on the floor in front of it. We've all gone to couseling with her for years and she has medicine that she rarely takes. The depression seems to come into play mainly when things have gotten hoplessly lost, piled up, and past due. It's like everything comes to a head and she feels like throwing up her hands and giving up. She literally locks herself in her room and won't socialize. She's on the verge of losing her college scholarship because she took a minimum wage job and works until 1:30 am and then can't get up for classes. Also, she started hanging around with a couple who stay into trouble a lot. I know she's 20 but I can't help but worry about
her. She sure won't listen to me --especially since she's gotten older. I try not to say anything but it sure is hard to stand back and watch her learn every little thing the hard way. Do any of you with ADD have any suggestions for me as a mother? Do I just turn my back and let her self-destruct or can I actually help in any way? She still lives at home when school is not in session and she makes a bigger mess than the rest of us put together. It's not too bad when it remains behind her closed bedroom door, but it always ends up seeping throughout the rest of the house. It is strange to me that she has little concern for personal hygiene as well. She doesn't make enough money to move out and she'd certainly lose her scholarship if she picked up more hours at work. This has been a 20 year struggle that I hoped we would have all outgrown by now. If she would only take her meds.