Thank you for your warm welcome! Hugs
The problem with my mom...where do I start? lol My depression was so severe that I would have died if I wasn't married to a wonderful man. There were times I lay on my bed to tired to get to the refrigerator to eat or pick up a phone. I would lie in bed praying for him to come home so that someone could take care of me.
I was incapable of making decisions or finding a doctor. So my mother used to live next door to this wonderful woman who became a therapist. She was working for her at the time in her office. She asked her to see me for a discounted price and my mother would pay for it.
So she was actually in the office with access to the files. She later left the office but she was paying for it. This was hard on my mother because in no way shape or form was therapy going to make her look good. I discussed this with my therapist and how therapy got off track. I could tell my mother called because of the lies.
So, I eventually cancelled therapy because my mother was messing with my head. I can't afford it on my own. (By the way this therapist is in another state living in the same little town as my mother.)
My husband is finally getting insurance at his new job. I have no idea if therapy will be covered or not.