Hi. I am a 55 yr old female looking for some advice on BPD/depression. Horrible childhood with neglect/sexual(incest)/physical/verbal abuse. I get that all these things messed me up ALOT, and have tried counselling and medication in the past. But Neither helped very much. The BPD causes me so much trouble and I am depressed and can't stop thinking suicide is my only option... I don't have insurance and cant afford therapy. I think the medication didn't work for me as there aren't really any drugs that work for BPD and honestly if I could even somehow find a Dr who deals with BPD...it is such a mountain to climb that I'm just not up for the years of therapy involved. I know if I****** my daughter would be right behind me and that's what keeps me here suffering. Any thoughts ???
Post Edited By Moderator (getting by) : 8/24/2015 10:55:01 AM (GMT-6)