So what do you do when your depression is getting bad?
*My tip is that I will call my counselor, even after hours when needed or I go back to my kitties lye down and curl up with one until I can refocus my energies, I find stroking my kitty can help bring me back down to earth and it's very calming, (no tv or noises) I just focus on the kitty (I have 4 kitties, but my littlest one Tristin lets me hold him the most).
What is your tip, do you go to the Hospital for help, call a hotline, or your counselor or something else that is productive like an art, painting or just a good cry? Posts your tip it might help someone else.
Post Edited By Moderator (BnotAfraid) : 2/20/2017 8:55:03 AM (GMT-7)