Blergh ... another weather induced headache. Always happens when we have a big temperature swing - in our case -26C up to +5C in just under a day. For you yanks, that's a difference of about
a bazillion Fahrenheit. It's gonna be a codeine sucking day.
We absolutely need to bring back
pirate shirts for men. #foxwatch2018
Little Boxes by Malvina Reynolds. See what I did there, M09? #boxwatch2018
I've been blessed to have Mrs. F27 doing supper detail since she had to stop working 10 years ago. She cooks much healthier things than I used to, and some of her stuff is really inspired, even if includes way too many vegetables. Last night's dinner was interesting: a naked hamburger patty, some celery sticks, and a little single-serving container of Costco humus.
Individually, each one of those things is okay, but when combined? I lack words.
Just out of curiosity, what's the weirdest meal you've ever eaten?