Pitmom, I'm also sorry about
your cat... I know the feeling, though the cats and dogs I've known were either taken to the vet for one final trip or just quietly hid away to die in peace (as cats apparently do to prevent predators from coming into the owner's space).
Chotti, yes, I'm trying to get back out there into the wilderness, but it's more of an inability to enjoy rather than physical problems (though age does bring those on as well). Nonetheless, working on it...
Trina, such autographed manuscript
s would certainly be great to own, though I'd be inclined myself to encase them in airtight Mylar for all eternity. Otherwise even air humidity must degrade the pages a bit each day, not to mention finger grease if I actually handled them directly... At least that's what I'd be thinking if I paid $15K.
But maybe you can still enjoy them without such worries.
Have a good weekend everyone...