Hi In And And Out Of It All,
As you already know, you need to find an appropriate outlet for your anger. One that is not destructive or harmful to anyone or anything. You could do something physical such as exercise. This could be done in your own room until you tire yourself out. I'm talking about running in place or jumping jack, sit-ups, push-ups. Anything that allows you to get out your pent up physical energy in a positive way. If you can leave the house, you can take a run around the block perhaps. Physical exercise can help diffuse the frustration.
Some prefer to put that energy into something creative-paint, sculpt, music. Something that expresses your inner self. You don't have to know how to do any of those things now-just learn. Take up a hobby that would interest yourself, read up on it perhaps or perhaps not, then create and practice and hone your skills.
Write in a journal. Put your emotions and anger down on paper.
If you need to punch something, put up a punching bag in your room or the garage and get your energy and frustration out that way or punch the pillow on your bed until you feel better.
It might be helpful to try several different outlets for your anger instead of just one. Get it out physically through a run or exersice. Then try journaling or a creative outlet.