What a wonderful poem, and right when I need it. Thank you.
Some people realize we are really alone and they 'get it' early in life. Others, like me, 'got it' once, then lost it and have to find it again in middle age when the son has left the nest, the parents are deceased, the rest of the relatives are distant.
Discovering and re-discovering your self. It isn't a bad or a hard thing to do, once you can accept that we are alone and get past that. That is where I seem to be stuck, but working on it.But this is a positive board and I want to contribute:
typed words they are that meet my eyes
to travel toward my heart;
they push right through the tears and fears
and reach where i'm falling apart.
typed words they are that reach my heart
gentle and caring and warm
they wrap me up in comfort
and hold me through the storm.
By me. This is how I feel so often when I come here looking for something to ease my mind, remind me that there are beautiful things in the world even when they are hidden from me at the moment. Many of those beautiful 'things' are the posters here and the words they write. Thanks to all.