Coming from the prespective of an over controlliing parent, and having been raised in a dysfuctional family, I can understand both sides. I have been in your shoes as a teenager, and have lived some of it with my chidren. As kim said, this is a very tough time in your life.. Sometimes My best efforts to give advice or help my children ( like I think I need to do things) end up in turmoil, frustration and anger ( and then usually, depression). They are all grown and live out on their on now. Recently my youngest daughter, 23, and I have gone through situations that I would never have dreamed of happening. I have tried to help, but I cannot stop myself from trying to interfere with her life. So I have stopped calling. I feel so much better. I'm sure she does too
I figure the two of us will get a chance to be together soon and I will guard my tounge, and try to remember that she has to live her own live, and I have a life of my own to live.
I guess I taught my daughter well. She cuts me off when I become overbearning and controlling. During these times, I seem to forget the things I have learned to take care of myserlf, my emotions, health, ect.. I guesss it's temporary insanity. Or at least I claim it. LOL. I'm still a work in progress and I make mistakes. Not working things out with my daughter would be a big mistake. I hope you can reslove things with your parents. I don't know if that is possible, but I hope it is.
IT sounds like your bf's mother is doing exactly what I have done. And she is really keeping you upset. Maybe she thinks she is acting out of love, I don't know. Just remember, you have choices as to how you re-act.
I have learned this if I have every learned anything in 54 years. YOU must take care of yourself!! If you do not know how, you will have to learn to do that to survive.
I hope you will take some of the others' advice and try to find someone to talk to that can be objective, maybe a therapist. I wish I had done that earlier in my life. You sound like a smart girl, frustrated at some cirmcumstances, but the fact that you have sought out this board for support and help says a lot about
you!! You're working on yourself, looking for answers and options instead of accepting things the way they are. Just remember that things do not change overnight.
I hope you have a better day tomorrow and keep coming back.
Be Well,