sexysue said...
hiya all . was on lexopra 10mg for a month . stopped it very adruptly cos it was making much more depressed and very suicidal . that was 5 weeks ago . the withdrawals are pure hell but i am still here . have been having these really severe tingling burning sensations all over my body and numbness in my face , both of my hands and feet for the last couple of days now . it is called parasthesia , very common when a ssri like lexopra is stopped . told my so called psychatrist about this today expecting him to help me and he told me that it is in my head like everything else . was really upset by this . was crying nearly all day . thinking of making another complaint about him again . this is going to be my third . before he put me the lexopra , he put me on zopiclone which is a sleeping pill and left me on it for 3 whole months without any medical reviews about it during that time i was on it . and lexopra is not meant to be given to people like me with a history of suicide attempts at all which i have as i have attempted to committ suicide 4 times before in the past . my last one was 8 years ago .
Sorry to read about
your troubles, fellow 'ss'! Are you taking anything at all at the moment?
Do you have a chemists or pharmacy that stocks any sort of homeopathic medication? 'Coffea' tablets are something that are non-prescription at least here in the UK and they WORK for me at any rate.You put one under your tongue and move it round the mouth until it dissolves away. Not long as they are as small as a coffee or tea sweetener tablet.
They work very rapidly, in calming one and relaxing one and giving a lot better sleep. Not by doping you out but making you feel naturally OK and able to see things calmly and in perspective. Not addictive or druggy and you won't feel worse when they 'wear off'..
I know all the theory behind homeopathic medicine and how ridiculous it sounds but as far as I am concerned it works and the coffea has worked every time I've taken it. I was put onto it by having a GP at the time who used homeopathic as well as yer standard remedies, and I'm glad about that.
all the best, SS