You're probably feeling depressed now because you're parents are getting a divorce. It may seem a little overwhelming and you're sleeping because when you sleep, you don't have to deal with their situation.
I hope you realize that they are getting a divorce because of them. You have no control over that. It's not because of you.
This may not help a lot, but a lot of parents get divorced. Every child handles divorce differently. And therein lies the key.
It's like sail boats on the ocean. The wind blows on all the sail boats. Why do some boats go in one direction and others in another? It's because of the set of each boat's sail. Every captain has to decide how they will set their sail as the wind blows them about.
Start thinking how you want to set your sail. It's not what happens to us that matters so much. It's much more what we do with what happens.
My main concern is you don't seem to have someone locally you can talk to. It's great that you came here. We can help some. It will help as your life unfolds to have at least one friend to talk to. At least try to be open to meeting someone new. Who knows, it might even be another person your age going through something similar. Something tough. Something they need to talk to some one else about.
If a person comes into your life, and they need to talk, here's the most important thing you can do to help them... Listen to what they have to say. Hopefully, they will listen to what you have to say.
I hope you continue to post here.