hey there all :)
sounds like you had a good time last night :P santas come early :P
went to the shelter yesterday and things went well! i explained that i was going to be taking it easy as i could, but it was great everytime my throughs turned negative i changed my throughs to counter it.. and that seemed to do the trick! I loved working with the animals, and just generally doing something rather then nothing :)
i felt good when i left the shelter, im going to be doing christmas morning shift since we dont do much for christmas anyway i throught somone else could have that day off..
the animals are sweet, one doggy who was picked up was so afaird of people, and now shes coming out of her shell slowly.. poor thing looked so skinny but shes very sweet and placid now in need of alot of tlc..
I managed to talk to my mate and gave her my cellphone number incase she wants to txt or whatever.. she had my home phone number for awhile but she never called, besides i dont want mum jumping out of her skin everytimes the phone rings.. so cellphone no bother her, and she wouldn't have to know :) and get all hyper and try to get me kicked out of the house like the last time when i had a girlfriend..
been reading the cbt its been good also :)
picking up my brother today, hopefully that will go okay.. i hope the aruging between mum and him isn't going to explode today, i hate being caught in the middle and being asked to pick sides....
my family feels loveless, no talk about feelings, i need talk about feelings since it drives me and i act upon my feelings which sometimes leads to trouble, so only way i can express feelings is singing to a love pop song i like.. feelings = weakness.. no speak of feelings ever no are robot not man :P but that would make me data from startrek next gen, my emotion chip is off lol so love is a big no no in my family, last time i had a girlfriend my mum & brother went awall and tryed to kick me out of the house, even though I was at her place most of time, and when i was home they would trash me & my g/f.. that experience has put me off love or finding anyone because im too afaird about how critical they will be and i wouldn't be able to handle that...
i need to find something im good at without worring about what mum thinks, i do like doing some video editing, but im not really good at it and mum expects high dvd quailty from her old vhs's which is next to impossiable, and i couldn't handle her comments about the progess im making on the footage because alot of it still is trail and error for me... i wanna be able to make mistakes without being judged for them as if thats the best i can do with a disapproval look on her face.. i always have to turn of my music, tv, turn down the brightness on my monitor when she comes into my room, i can't handle her comments about what i like, because i like things and her or my bro trashing the things i like makes me feel uncomfortable and as a result i dont share hardly any thing with them..
anyway takecare all! :) have a good and safe christmas too!