wow thank you everyone so much for your responses =]
to answer all your questions: I am going to therapy once a week, but I don't really know how well it is working... My parents are pretty anti-medication so my therapist suggested an herbal pill called St. Johns Wort which is a mood enhancer, so I've been taking that for...a month now? Maybe a little less. But I think it does help... I want to get on actual medicene, though because sometimes the pill doesn't work and I feel so horrible... I want something that'll work all the time. I'm also looking into NueroFeedback [has anyone heard of this?]
And I do play guitar, piano and I sing in my school choir. I've never been able to write my own stuff though... Also, I am not in a band but I've always wanted to be. I don't think I'm good enough.
i'm really happy to be here, thanks everyone <3