hey there:)
had a good day yesterday but by the end of work, i was pretty tired and looking and feeling glum which i hope noone noticed.. i didn't feel glum about being there its just my depression creeps up again when i get tired, its nothing to do with anyone there.. i hope nobody noticed it because i made extra effort yesterday to fit in..
i hope nobody judges me on the way i was looking glum because they dont understand whats its like for me, depression is a desease and can creep up at anytime and when it does i can look glum, empty inside, & down in the dumps, i wish people knew that is the reason for it and thats it got nothing to to with them, just this stupid depression is really starting to upset me..
i guess i was feeling glum because i knew i had to go downtown, and i have a social phobia and i get all avoident hoping not to bump into anyone i know in town.. so i race through town hoping nobody notices me..
i wish people who arent depressed understand that its nothing against them its my problem and if they dont like it dont get to know me..
takecare all