Hey Everybody!
Oh what a last couple weeks! I have had 2 acupuncture sessions since I last posted, and I can not go on enough about how much BETTER I feel. The first session I noticed a difference. She gave me some lifestyle change advice that really has helped me. She could tell that my blood sugar was very low and that I needed more protein in my diet. I have added b6, b12, fish oil and calcium and magnesium to my diet and I feel much better. I'm not saying I am completely healed, but I noticed a calm that has come over me and I feel balanced. Not as many ups and downs, or weepiness. I noticed that I'm not craving the carbs as much and whenever I feel like snacking, I munch on nuts and it gets me through the salt craving.
I definitely recommend acupuncture, only after 2 sessions it has made a big difference. I know it could be all in my head that it is working so well, but that is ok as long as it works.
How is everyone else doing?
Have a great weekend everyone, and stay strong