Dear Shy,
Hi this is Kitt. I know how you feel as I have been in your place more than once and it is so painful to know you are a good person and someone is blasting you with both barrels. I had a very similiar experience.
My husband was single, right out of the military service and I was a divorcee with 3 children. His Mother was died in the wool Catholic. She nearly had a stroke but my husband did not ask but told them we were getting married and they were smart enough to live with it or lose touch with their oldest son.
I was very hurt because I knew how they felt about me and it was very sad but alas it turned out well and they love me there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I am glad you spoke your mind and have resolved some of this conflict. I know it is hard to just forget the pain and the tears but give yourself time.
I wish you peace and happiness but most of all I wish you love.