thank evveeryone for their posts. and shy, i'll take that week. h*ll, even an hour!!!!!
about 6 yrs ago my back was hurting so badly that i laid out all of my pills and started taking them a bottle at a time. fortunately, my wife saw what i was doing and stopped me. a quack had mufed an eipdural steroid injection and i just couldn't take that much pain any more. on a scale of 1 to 10, the pain was off the scale at about a 15. it was at this point that my dx took on bi-polar in addition to chronic depression.
yes, i am filledf with anger. i had worked my whole life to get into a position of authority and control and i had finally made it. with less than 6 months i was unable to walk, let alone work. one company offered to provide a bed for me to lay in if only i would let them use my knowledge and experience. i was in too much pain to think cleraly, let alone make detailed echnical decisions. anger? yes. maybe i am mourning for myself? i don't believe in that crap.
daz, god bless you and keep you. i have grandkids older than you. actually, my friend, the technology is window dressing. the basis of behavior, the love and hate, the motivation haven't changed. we still can be defined acurately as the only animal that can chose to make love face to face. what a distinction! in some ways, the technology only serves to highlight the problems that we, as human beings, have. hate-mongering can now be spread across the world in less than nanoseconds on the web. didn't al gore give us a wonderful toy? i devoted my entire working life to it. what a wate.
sorry. i shouldn't go on-line when i'm down.