I've been on it for maybe 3 months this go round. I was on it quite awhile back, but stopped. I found out it had helped more than I thought it did, so I went back on. I think it is a better med for depression. I don't know about
anxiety - I have anxiety/panic disorder mostly, some depression. It definately stopped the panic for me, which I am so grateful for. My anxiety still acts up, so I may need something to help that. I am hoping the longer I am on it,the better the anxiety will get. I like cymbalta for the energy,but I guess sometimes that energy turns to anxiety if not channeled properly. I do like it overall and plan on staying on it. I was on it maybe 6 months the first time. I had no weight gain at all. It really kills my appetite, which I love. I do have constipation, though. I am hoping that will go away too.
Are you taking it primarily for depression or anxiety?