I have always had a touch of jealousy (being an only child and all) but lately it has been eating me up and killing my relationship with a person I truly love and want to be with. The last few months it seems when ever I get down in the dumps I think and imagine all the women my boyfriend has been with before me ( I know he has been with alot). He never talks about
them or even trys to make me jealous in any way. its just all me... I have begun trying to search for his past girlfriends online. I imagine him having sex with them. I begin to hate pritty girls I see on tv or on the street. If I see my bf take an extra look at a hot chick on tv I get mad at him. All my mind seems to focus on lately is his past gf's. Its a constant circle. I cried last night over it and he tried to reason with me as to why I am feeling like this but he doesn't know either. he thinks i am bipolar perhaps because I get these jealous spells at least once a month........ i begin asking him about
his past gf's and get mad if he doesn't tell me... therefore he is forced to tell me the info i want but that tears me apart. I am a university student and in the midst of finals and semester end... I truly need to concentrate on school and not these useless and trivial things that are ruling my life right now.
I really love my bf and we have been together over a year now. Our relationship is strong and we are best friends. How can I stop these thoughts? I don't want to push him away any more... this jealousy is wearing on both of us.
Please advise