I am 21, and currently on DoxyCycline.
I was prescribed it as an alternative to Penicillan, because I am alergic to it.
I was diagnosed with a semi serious condition, that is cure-able with a single dose of Penicillan, but because of my alergies, I have to go through 2 weeks of DoxyCycline instead.
I am on my 2nd week, and am experiencing 'severe mental distress'.
I put it in quotes because thats pretty much the only way I can describe it.
I have felt extremely bored, tired, and lack of will to eat.
I find myself sitting at my pc, and then I am grabbing my head in frustration at small things, then after these mood swings, which occur within an hour of me taking the pill, I find I am retreating to my bed, to lye on my side, and wait for a calm resolve to settle.
Does anyone agree that this sounds like a side effect. I dont actually know how to describe this to the doctor in a way that doesnt sound 'funny'.
Note - The condition I was diagnosed with, was 'the Syph' - Queue Embarassment.