Hi Karen, and Gill,
Ahhhh, what a lovely story about
the foxes Karen!! I loved reading - it was like when I read a good book and I forget everythign around me and then when I'm done reading I realize I am still on my couch in my usual life - but feeling I had been 'right there.' THanks for sharing!!! :0)
That is wild that you saw a cougar. Wow. Just like LIttle House on the Prairie Days! Have you read those books by Laura Ingalls Wilder? I didn't read them as a kid, but decided to last winter. That was the beginning of me learning how to relax again. I really enjoy them. Often wishing I lived back then when things were so much simpler and kinder and the world was so less toxic and that sort of thing.
Yes, the fibro. forum. I felt badly that you felt badly - as I saw you apologized to Ladygray. It really wasn't your fault in the least, but it was so kind of you to apologize and let her know she had a friend on the forum.
The fibro. forum has had a different feel since you and Marlee and crew started posting. It's become really upbeat and light. It had always had a postive slant beforehand in terms of the mods. encouraging people that there was still life after fibro. etc. But I actually stopped posting there because I am pro - natural and I never got any replies when I wrote about
natural things that had helped me and at the same time I felt how opposed J. was to natural solutions - besides those that she is using. So the issue with Ladygray is nothing new - it's just that Lady had the guts to say a lot of things that stirred the nest. I think J. feels she is defending what is true and right in her mind, but if people are being barked at, then yes, something really does need to change, because everyone should feel welcome and respected and not put in their place. It cannot be an easy job to be a mod! It really takes a whole community working together to make a forum a good place, so I think it was great that you reached out to LadyGray - I tried to as well - but without an apology or softer reply from the person she felt pushed out by I am not sure she will keep posting. It would be ashame if she didn't though.
At any rate, none of this was your fault, or mine for that matter - as I also asked to learn more. I'm glad she shared more and I hope that product will help more people.. And I agree, Ladygray wasnt' trying to sell anything. But I guess because she stated her views very directly, it felt threatening to the moderator which is why she was accused of trying to sell something. Doesn't make it right, but maybe helps to understand why the response to LG was so aggressive instead of welcoming. Perhaps some of the other mods. will step in and reach out to Lady or will try to make the fibro. forum more
open to people who have different opinions and have had success with natural things. It is always uncomfortable when a place that has been a safe place has a bump in the road like this eh. Kind of feels disconcerting. I think J. has a good heart, and hopefully she will
open the door for healing in this situation. I am so glad Tennis is posting again! I have not ever replied to one of her posts, but I think she's great and I love how you all have become her aunties! lol! She is a special young lady - you can tell by her posts. In any case, I guess if situations keep recurring where there are unnecessarily aggressive responses to a member, then the fibro. community will need to speak up about
that either to the mod, or to the person in charge of the forums to bring the situation to teh attention of someone who can affect positive change. The forums are there for the community and the mods are tehre to serve the community, so in my understanding that means the voice of teh community is really important in situations like these.
6 am - wow, you go girl!!! I love that time of day. But that is just a dream for me right now to be up so early. You know, when we moved into a home in Sept. 06 I began getting up at 6 or 7 every day - I actually had it in me. I wanted the quiet time of that time of day to just 'be' and drink it in. But out of the blue the hubby starts getting up early and going on his computer, which was right near mine. I was so mad. I never told him till later, but one of the reasons I got up so early was to have some time alone in the house!!!! lol. He works from home. Anyway, I tried for about
a month, and then gave up. BUt that house was also moldy, and I had started getting sicker while there. I am sooooo soooo glad those days are behind us now.
So today, I slept till 11 - I need to get an extra curtain for this room because the light always wakes me up. So I sleep so restlessly in the morning that I am tired when I get up (moreso than usual that is.) I am not sure what all I'll do today. I am feeling tired of doing laundry and cleaning the house, but at the same time I just want it to be over, so I keep pushing. But I am looking forward to the day. I agree, that you must not be suffering depression as heavily now when you are looking forward to the day. I just realized that for me, this is also the first time in over a year, maybe two, that I am actually going to bed and waking up looking forward to teh day again!! Wow. High fives for us!! This is really big isn't it. I'm happy we are both feeling that way. I hope the same for Gill.
I guess I should get something to eat now. It is windy here today, but I havn't actually looked outside to see if we have sun or not shining today. I havn't gone for a real walk since moving in and think I would do well to do that soon. I am actually feeling restless for one.
That's all for now. Have yourself a beautiful day today - enjoying all your lovely awake time - and we'll talk to you later.
Best wishes to you Gill on your potty mission and yoru cross stitching. Hope you have a good day today - you deserve it!
Post Edited (manyembers) : 1/17/2008 12:15:09 PM (GMT-7)