Hi Karen
Thanks for thinking of me and bearing with me that night. Thanks for your words of encouragement and letting me know I am at a place where others have tread before so there is hope for me too. I really like you too and want continue to get to know you. I should have gone to CPR/ First Aid training Monday morn with the hope of getting back to work but I could not sleep, took meds for sleep and could not go. This makes me feel so bad. I dont want them to think that I am not trying.
I am on welfare and they expect you to look for work. Wednesday I see my psych so I will ask him to sign the work exemption form for me. I have a nice worker who does not pressure me but I think I have been trying to prove to myself that I can get back out there and function normally like I used to. I need to accept the reality of my condition and live one day at a time and forget about the unfulfilled dreams.
getting by said...
Hi getting there,
I want to say good morning but I slept until the afternoon, so good afternoon.
I hope that you are feeling better today. I know this is a difficult time for you right now. But as Shy said, come here to talk anytime. I am on and off a lot, so I should be able to respond if you want.
Also as Shy said, you are just finding a way to cope, that is natural. I feel that I have done the same thing, just trying to feel better, but I am tired of being in a stupor from drugs and alcohol. I use to drink daily and take pain meds to try to feel better, I never took too many anti-depressants because I was afraid of running out. I know I would be in a mess if that happened. But I don't have a child like you do, she needs her mom. You are responsible for her wellbeing, and she depends on you for that. I know she loves her mom and wants her to be here for her. You are so special, I really like you a lot. And I want to be able to continue this friendship. We just have so much in common. It is kind of like we were meant to meet on here.
So keep posting and so will I. There are so many people here who understand. I know Shy does and she is such a wonderful person. She wants to be here for you too. So don't give up on us, we want to help you.
Have a great day hon, I hope you and your daughter can be together today and have some fun.
Luv and hugs,