Hi Carol,
Effexor and xanax works really well for me, but it isn't always the best for others. If you are feeling better though, chances are it will help you. Just never, ever try to go off of it without having your doctor gradually cut you down. It is a horrible experience to go cold turkey. The fibro tenderpoints aren't always there everytime they are checked. I guess I would rather see you have fibro than lupus. But that is up to the doctors to determine.
I am sorry about the copd. Were you a smoker? I smoke and I know that I have to quit. I have tried so many times. But with all the nasty stuff that they put in the cigarettes now, it is hard. You know the lack of oxygen could be adding to your thinking problems. But I suffer from that, I can get introduced to a person and forget there name in an instant. I hate that.
I see a psycologist, but I have had good social workers and other types of therapists. It helps me. The psycologists seem to be more perceptive, but just having someone to vent to and bounce things off of is therapeudic. So yes, if you can I would talk to somebody. And remember you have us here. We can give you different experiences and ways to look at things. But an objective counselor would help you too. They can help you set small goals to take your mind off of things. And cognitive therapy helps you to focus and clear your mind so that you are in the now. And not leaving the stove on LOL. Be careful with that. I use to be so bad that when I did dishes, I had to take each dish and say out loud,'I am washing a bowl, I will rinse the bowl and put it in the rack'. If I didn't do that I was dropping things, and getting really frustrated. So try to slow your mind down, write things down on a piece of paper so you can put them out of your mind and not have to worry about forgetting them. That works for me.
I wish you a wonderful relaxing day.
Luv and hugs,