Buckeyeinfl said...
Hi Terps,
I used to post alot in the ulcerative colitis forum too (was for my daughter), but now I'm suffering with depression from all that's gone on with her health and various other issues. Wanted to let you know I'm taking Wellbutrin and seems to be helping some. I still have teary days, mostly when I think about what possibly lies ahead for her health wise and it's so upsetting. She was recently diagnosed with Avascular Necrosis (aka osteonecrosis)...bone death, they say likely due to the steroids she was on...I'm still trying to figure out which directions to go in with this. Have seen a couple of doctors, xrays etc etc. Anyway, I'm rambling, sorry :)
I am not too familiary with osteonecrosis but it doesnt sound good. Have you guys tried Remicade, 6 mp, Imuran, Entocort (which is a very poorly absorbed steriod but works well sometimes on people who have UC), or considered surgery? If the steriods and all are causing this much damage to a young woman (age 20?- I was dx'd with UC at age 22) I would think surgery would be a viable option. And there are great surgeries now that dont require wearing a bag or something- the J pouch and the BCIR pouch are great I know people who have them. There are options left and I wish you the best of luck in trying to find that wonder drug.