Yea, bad luck seems to follow me all the time, you would think that I would get used to it by now. I have had episodes of good fortune but they are not as memorable as the bad ones are.
As for the snow, we were supposed to get snow this weekend but we got rain and cold instead. It was 65 degrees this past week and today it is 39, ridiculious!!!!!!
Anyway I guess it is better that what you are getting:(
I see you like mushroom hunting. So did my father, he lived in Virginia, he has past but theat was one thing he loved to do. Me, myself I CANT STAND EVEN THE SMELL FOR THEM,YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tomorrow I am going to take my car to a chevy car place in the morning so that I can get a second estimate. I might even have a repair bill to warrant my speedometer. If that is so, I will go to Wooster on Tuesday morning. Either way I wil have to go to Wooster because my ticket is due then so I wont have time to get it to them by mail so I am going to try to do it all in the time I am there.
So wish me luck in this, if anything, I will be calling one of you to bail me out of jail, lol