Hi Wayen,
I think that you are seeing it now, this is what you said:
I think it's better not to have any expectations of what might happen. I could fall in the same hole again. I know we all make mistakes, I make mistakes, lots of em, and I don't care. Yet some mistakes I blame myself for. I know I can't blame me how someone else feel, yet it is frustrating. Frustration that can't get out.
When we don't hold our expectations too high, we are less apt to be disapointed. Though, I would hate to see you go from one extreme to another. There is a lot of shades of grey in between.
Mistakes is how we learn... Though some people learn easier than others. Some have to make the same mistakes over and over before they come to understand what life is all about.
Try not to have what they call 'all or nothing thinking'. That is when you do go from one extreme to another. You feel like if you don't succeed at something that all is lost. Well in life that is not so. There are so many stops in between. Like my shades of grey. When we are perfectionists, we tend to think in that manner. That just sets us up for downfalls.
Try walking your frustrations out. Or use them in your music and art. That can be very motivating if you can channel it.
Have you got hooked up with a counselor yet? Don't forget that you said you were going to. I so much encourage that.
Let us know how everything goes when you talk to your friends.
Hugs, Karen
I bumped up an old post for you to read. It is called "Desiderata, something I would like to share". This is like my key to life, the way I try to look at things and live my life, it has helped me a lot. I thought that you might like to read it.
Hugs again, Karen