I cant find my original post,
My friend finally called on sunday while i was at church of course my phone was at home, she told to call her back on her boyfreinds cell, of course no one anwsered, i cant get a hold her for nothing, her internet not wroking so email out of question. My son school pictures came in maybe I will write her a small note with his picture send through the mail, She wants to no how my daughter IEP went, she is spec ed teacher and daughter has austism like my daughter does, cept my daughter seem less austistic and more bipolar and tourettes as she is growning older. her daughters autism was casued by LKF a rare syndrome and she is having seizures, she has to take to get eeg again and see what kind of meds or what there gonna do next, I want to be there to help, i was the first time. icare about her and her daughter very much. I know my friend is scared becouse he daughter who IQ is like 166 is like the top 2% in the world is losing skills when she has these seizure, you know we know this because her daughter said, mama Im losing skill with these siezures. Mkaes me want to cry. well she did contact me. thank so much for listening