Well it found it's way home. Like back in Feb. I found out b/f is back to old tricks. He's still in touch with old g/f. Two of my children are Wiccans and they tell me I'm a Witch because I feel things and know things either before they happen or while. Well I knew this back in Feb and I knew it now.
Confronted him, he told me that I said it was okay. Why would I on God's green earth tell him that it's okay to talk to his ex who in the last 5 years has caused me nothing but heart ache and grief. I forgave him this last time but not any more.
I feel like a knife has been stuck deep inside me. I wonder why everytime I get with someone they trat me like a piece of dogsh**. I make money watching children and give almost all of it to him to help with bills all he does with it is put it in his pocket.
I'm so tired and fighting Fibro or what ever it is that I have. I can even go get a stupid TB tes without running a fever.
I give up.