Thanks Kitt , I talking to me and restless.
I find her sometime is my only outlet, and ultimately I have to rely on God for support.
Its is hard with the family, I want leave sometimes, but I would never leave my daughter. My son would abuse her. But my husband woud never let me take her anyway.
She is a daddy's girl. He loves her very much
I have gained so much wait, he is no longer interested in me, i cant blame him, im not the skinny model like bodied girl he met and married. He is superficial in that way.
I love him, i think he loves me, but not the way we need to have love, i need to lose min. 50 pounds and 70 wouldnt be bad either. I have probelems with my stomach
so i am limited on what i can eat, unfortunatley carbs agree, and the proteins dont. cant have any raw veggies or fruit, which really sucks!!!! .
My knees hurt real bad so i ca walk, or swim, no other real aerboic exercise.
But i know I have to lose weight for me, and when i have lost it, I still dont think my husband will ever feel the same about me.
But it would cost him too much if I left. So I wont. I just feel our relationship has come to a point where it will never be the same.