I am a 16 year old girl, who has just recently gotten over her first true love, it took a year and a bit but I finally managed to pull myself together, and look into the future.
So now I have feelings for a new boy... which can only mean trouble.
He confuses me soooo much, one minute he'll be all friendly and flirty the next he'll just flat out ignore me...
I know I shouldn't waste anymore time on yet another stupid boy but, when hes nice I feel like we could really have something great and I feel at times that he really likes me, and I don't want to let go of an opportunity that could help me even more to completely forget my ex.
This new boy has said things such as "you are beautiful" which I have never been called before....
and "you have really pretty eyes" then the next time has just ignored my messages, or just not spoken to me at all.
I have recently been doing research on Co-Dependant love addiction and I'm very worried that I have symptoms, I'm not saying that I am in love with this new boy but, I find that I crave connections, and can at times become obsessive with anything especially my feelings.
I feel that my mother may have some of these symptoms too, and I don't know wether its just internet tales or wether the addiction is real, also if i am too young to diagnose.
but I am mature for my age, and feel that my feelings and worry are very much interfering with my schooling and work.
I need you guys help.
I know it may sound petty but its bugging the hell out of me!