Lost hope,
I am going to try to be totally honest with you from what I am reading you are not even close to letting go. WE are here to try to help you.
Keep in mind, Lost Hope, that letting go is a state of mind and is totally separate from your actions. Letting go is what removes the fear and upset so that you can see what action works.
The moment you become willing to lose her , the fear and upset lose power. The tunnel vision disappears and you become able to interact in a way that creates love and greatly increases the chances of the her coming back someday.
Let go of your demands and expectations for how your life should be and make peace with the way your life is. Set yourself free inside. Then take whatever action you need to have your life be great.
Now this doesn't mean that life will turn out the way that you want it to. Life often doesn't. Trust is knowing that however life turns out, you will be fine. When you know that you will be fine
When you don't trust, life becomes very difficult. You fight, resist and hang on. You then make everything worse, which reinforces "don't trust." Calling and emailing and beating yourself up are only making things worse.
Trust is actually a choice. Trust is something you create. It's a declaration. "I will be okay no matter what happens. I trust, just because I say so." Trust is also telling the truth. You really will be fine no matter what happens. Life is only threatening when you resist. So stop resisting and trust. Trust that no matter what happens, you will be fine.
I have given you my best advice throughout your thread and I hope you will now take positive steps and see a counselor. I am not a substitue for what you really need right now.
Every day members of HealingWell recover their Self-esteem, their self-worth, their dreams, their pride, their dignity and a meaningful life.
I wish you peace,