Hi Kelly,
I am really sorry that you are depressed.
You obviously believe that this depression stems from the death of your father so I feel your first move should be to get help from Grief counseling which is an organization for bereaved people. They have local support groups which you can usually get information about from any of the local churches as well as from most of the funeral homes in your area. .
If you have never really accepted/got over the death of your dad, it will help you greatly to talk about this.
You may feel you have talked to to friends, but of course there is always a kind of cut-off time when you feel that people are bored with the subject, or you think that they believe you should now have got over it.
Talking to a counselor is different because they know that grief is a personal thing and that it takes as long as it takes to get over it.
I'd also like to suggest a couple of books to you that I'm sure you'd benefit from reading:
'You'll Get Over It' by Virginia Ironside, published by Penguin.
'Living With Grief' by Tony Lake, published by Sheldon.
I hope this advice will help. But if after reading these books and getting help with Grief counseling support groups you find that your mood is not sufficiently improved, then I think you should see your own Doctor about more general help for depression. I know you have a Pdoc appointment but a Physician can check you out to make sure nothing else is going on with you.
There is the free, online site for CBT therapy that was mentioned before. Many of the members have used it.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is based on the idea that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors, not external things, like people, situations.
Here is the link for the free site:
The MoodGym Training Program
Keep posting to us and know we do understand your pain. Hugs, Kitt