stkitt said...
I am going to assume that you do not work at a hospital where the nurses belong to a union. I have never heard of a boss demanding you be admitted to a Psych unit as this person is not a Doctor or in any way related to you.
What were their plans for you daughter? For goodness sake I would be showing them the boot by now. I hope you have access to some legal help.
Keep talking to us.
I am so sorry this has happened.
Hi stkitt,
thanks for the message. You are right, no unions here. And actually since she wasn't my boss anymore, what authority did she have making such a demand? She told my ride that he MUST take me there and she would call to confirm I had arrived. I believe that if I had not voluntarily gone, she would have called the police and had me Baker Acted (not sure if that's the term in all states). She conveyed that she felt I could not care for my daughter, in spite of the fact that she witnessed my daughter in excellent physical and mental condition. I wish she HAD Baker Acted me, because I believe that would have been false imprisonment. I don't think I have legal recourse.
On the good side, I'm thinking that now that I am unemployed, i might actually qualify for prescription assistance! I also filed for unemployment today. Hopefully it wont take long.
I'll tell you, the one thing that really gets my goat is the HR person who was present and who actually verbalized my "release" to me. Months ago, when my photos were being mutilated, scratched out, destroyed, etc, she called me to her office to discuss the problem. I thought she would help but do you know what her comment was to me?
"Some people like to play the victim".