hi metipi, i am jamiee, male, 37. firstly welcome to the community.
you are possibly at a crossroads in your life. please be assured that everyone in there life time will experience a similar situation. it sounds like you need to find you. if you are able, i would recommend meditation and maybe journaling. sometimes getting the things you want out of life in written form helps. sometimes less is more, yes do the things that stimulate you. it is a good sign that your mind and body and heart are yearning for something. thanx for your courage and posting your sitauation.
remain positive metipi, you are a unique individual of this earth with special abilities only you have. keep posting.
blessings 2 u. jamiee
iddm, endogenous depression, severe borderline personality disorder, hormone deficiency, diabetic nuropathy, (feet) and some bits and peices.