to saving.
hi i am jamiee. 37, male and at twenty i was an angry chap also! you are still developing, emotionally, physically, etc. a combo of med's can make you rage, and you end up raging. agree that you need to see your doc, to be honest about what is happening, otherwise you will not receive the treatment you actually need. i can tell a lot is going on for you, for most 20 yr olds a lot is nowadays, and crap it was for me 17 years ago!! that is about 100 posts worth!
keep posting, violence only breeds violence. all the vey best. keep posting and let us know how you are going, we do care.
jamiee, 37, male, iddm, major depression, severe borderline personality disorder, hormone deficency, diabetic nuropathy, severe plumbing issues, bad back, & bits & peices!!