Mythoughts & Rania, It is very interesting what you said about
the sensativity, I think that most depressed people are highly sensative, I maybe wrong but this is how I feel. I'm a highly sensative person too, I'm not diagnosed with that but I seem to go through the same same sensativity issues that you and rania go through, like not getting over past love relationships. mythoughts like you sometimes I prefer to be alone rather than risk being rejected by someone but I'm trying to change that, but it's very dificult. and rania like you when I meet someone I used to love ( or continued to love by can't get over it) I feel that happy moment when I am with them and I want the world to stop there.
kitt, your posts always inspire me. I think you also are a sensative person like mythoughts and rania. and like you I am always feeling good when it's time to go to bed because it is the time to relax and forget, and in the morning I have no Idea what to do and I usually end-up over sleeping.
Jamie I think me and you are the same when it comes to sleep, my sleep patern is broken too, everyday I seem to shift a few hours.
Mythoughts, I hope that soon we will hear from you again, and know that along with the other healingwell members, that I too care about
you a lot, and think about
you. your thread does mean a lot to me, infact it is my favourate thread in this forum. Your story is very touching to me and although it is a sad one it is very interesting to read and I can relate to a lot of what you say. Please know that in the end you will find a way out of this and recover, I know that the road is very hard and it will probably take sometime, but keep doing those baby steps as they say "even the 10,000 mile journey begins with 1 step". maybe it's time that you considered making some changes in your life, I'm not sure if it approtriate of me to make suggestions since I don't know what you might find appealing but I could give you some ideas that could start you thinking about
possible changes, try and just think about
the limitless posibilaties that GOD provided us, one of the things GOD said is "I made earth large so you can discover" so the first thing I would suggest is a nice vacation spot to visit. so instead of buying that new car or that new house, maybe you could spend money on a vacation in a nice resort, like clubmate or anything that you find interesting to you and your family, it may even bring you closer toghether. clubmates are cool because they usually come in a themes, for example if you like golf then you can try clubmate golf, or if you like surfing or tennis or dancing that is also possible, they usually have very active scheduals with special programs and events for the children too. here is a link with some information
clubmate resorts information . also if you live in the city have you considered to live outside the city? or maybe you can consider taking a bike to work instead of driving the car, if the distance is not too long, you will get some fresh air and some excersize. or you could maybe consider a dancing class or learn spanish? anything that could change the spice of your life so instead of feeling empty or alone you can spice up your life and your family's life a little. I guess it could be dificult to do changes since your too buesy with your full-time job and the usual house chorse or other things, but it's only a suggestion, something to think about
. good luck to you on your journey and I hope to hear from you soon!