Hi Sunny,
You are an amazing person, but you do have issues that you need to talk about
. Maybe you could push through to that topic with your friends. They say how good you are doing, you say yes, it is amazing, but this is what I am going through now and it isn't easy. If that doesn't work, you can always post on here. We are here to listen.
You said that you couldn't afford counseling with all of your medical bills. There are programs to help people in financial binds as yourself with all the bills that you have. Check into Social Services or some clinics have programs theirselves. Also there are payment plans. I know how hard it is these days to make ends meet, but there is help out there. And we are here for you. Keep posting.
I feel so bad for what you have gone through, that must have been so difficult to learn to do everything over again. And I am sorry for all of your suffering.
You have a good additude on life still though and I think it is important for you to continue to think in these terms. Try not to dwell on the past, or worry about the future. Stay in the moment. You will find that life is a lot more pleasurable that way. And don't forget to grieve. You have suffered a huge loss and as was said before, there are no time limits on grief. If you feel like crying, do so and get it all out. And remember that we are here for you.
Hugs, Karen