Hi Korissa, I wanted to write you a separate reply. Don't worry about
sleeping late. It often means you needed the extra sleep. You say you are retired. Did you retire by choice? And you also do volunteer work as I do but you say you do not have enough to do. Is your volunteer work rewarding for you? Is it a place where you can meet people? I am looking for a part time job. I retired several years ago by choice but this bad economy has me worried so I want to find something to add a few dollars for bills. Maybe you would like to go back to work part time. Also, there are many other volunteer opportunities where you can keep busy and meet people. Have you thought about
volunteering at a library or school? Schools often need volunteers especially in the younger grades.You could take a class in something you enjoy or join a book club that meets for discussion. Do you like to cook? You could take a cooking class and then have friends over to serve them what you have learned to make. Do you enjoy gardening? Many communities have garden clubs and that would be a way to meet others who could become friends. I am just trying to throw out a few suggestions for things for you to consider. Being more active helps when you are feeling lonely. Do you have a family or have family near you for support? There seem to be so many of us on this forum that have things in common. It's too bad we don't all live in the same place. We could have a great group of friends. I guess we will just have to settle for being email pals for now. I hope I have given you some ideas to think about
and that your spirits will be lifted. Please don't hesitate to post me as I will always answer you. Take good care of yourself and let me know if I can do anything for you.
Many hugs,
P.s. looking back at my other post to you i realize i have just repeated myself. Sorry! Just wanted to help. Old age must be getting me
Post Edited (Aurora60) : 5/25/2009 4:06:34 PM (GMT-6)