Dear Zapped,
Thanks for your post and I think you are right, I do not want to accept the BP diagnosis. I started going to a PDoc about two years ago. I tried Lamictal, Seroquel, Depakoe, Thorizine, Lithium and others I do not even remember. I always had a bad reaction to the med or the side effects were intolerable. The last med my Dr. put me on was Risperdal, I was doing OK with it but had a rare allergic reaction to it, two weeks after PDoc. retired. I tappered off the med and I did ok with just Xanax for a while but then the bottom feel out. It was going to take so long to get in with another PDoc that I finally just went to an MD because I just could not hang on any longer. New Dr. knows the meds I had been on but felt like maybe they were too strong for me since I seem to be pharmceutically challenged and put me on a low dose of Celexa because when I saw her I was very depressed and anxiety out the roof. I did tell her that previous Dr. thought AD's were a bad idea for me because I always leaned toward mania and not depression, that I needed a mood stabilizer. She thought a low dose of AD might help, 10 mg Celexa, and it has except the last few days I have been manic as all get out. Your post made me realize that I really do need to go back to a PDoc and I am going to make an appointment today as I know I have to hang until I can get in.
The part about Jesse was a post I was responding too about trying natural rememdies, St. Johns Wort, 5-HTP etc, maybe I put in under the wrong topic, sorry for the confusion. And yes, I really have no one to talk to so I do tend to go on a bit in my post. I love to write and I need to vent.
I appreciate your honesty, it opened my eyes this morning and you are right, I am unwilling to accept but I guess I will never feel truly better until I do.
Thank you, please write me back
Gem, BP Gemini that is