Hey Jamie,
Sometimes I have to put on my mask as it makes others happy and in order to survive I must wear a mask or I would melt completely.
Now my happy face when I am at work is for real as I do love the job and feel needed and appreciated. I enjoy the children.
Then there are other days when I feel so sad that I try to keep my OK face on and as you may remember several weeks ago I had a meltdown while driving the car and had to pull into a parking lot and called my daughter. I was afraid I would not make it home that day.
I had to wear a "Everything is going to be alright" face when my sister was ill as I could not break down everytime I was with her as it caused her to worry about me, so I wore a mask alot. I have the feeling she saw through it but I hope I was able to keep some of my fears to myself and not alarm her. I miss her so much.
So yes there is a time to put on your mask and a time to leave if off...............for me it is a balancing act.
And right now I have a sad face as thoughts of my sister have flooded my mind.
Gentle Hugs to you