My son drove me to my therapy appt today as I am still taking prednisone for my asthma and I am still quite shaky. As always the session goes very well. And right now I am in a good place. I think my a/d med has started to work. My younger son is doing very well right now. He seems to be getting beyond his breakup and he is moving forward with his life. He has lots of plans with friends and that keeps him busy and he says he feels he is moving away from the bad times and thinking very little about
his ex. He got a message from her, not by email but a Facebook message although he has not invited her in to his Facebook page. It didn't say much just that she was thinking about
him and hoping he was doing OK and that she still loved him. He said he was not really upset about
the message and is just pretty much ignoring it. It sounds like she is still trying to get back into his life in any way she can. And Isuppose she thought that was the least imposing way. He refuses to answer her which is good. And the further I get away from this whole thing the better I am doing. Just wanted to post that things are getting a bit better for me and I am hopeful they will continue.